About the Project
The Immokalee Complete Streets (ICS) Tiger Grant Design/Build Project will create a network of Complete Streets and improve transit by filling in sidewalk gaps, creating bicycle boulevards, and improving bus stops. These improvements will increase safety and accessibility for all residents of Immokalee. Better facility continuity will not only improve safety but also connectivity, thus promoting greater walking, transit, and bicycling activity.
Plus, adding swales and underground drainage will reduce impacts of flooding. In addition, streetlighting will enhance the quality and safety of the pedestrian/bicycle environment. This consequently supports a shift from using motorized vehicles to more sustainable modes such as walking and bicycle riding.
A new proposed bus transfer station next to the Collier County Health Dept. on Immokalee Drive may include passenger and transit efficiency enhancements such as new bays for the buses to pull off the street, canopy cover for the sheltered transfer of passengers, waiting platforms with benches and trash receptacles, vending machines for food and possibly bus passes, restroom facilities, cover for passengers, and Americans with Disabilities Acts (ADA) improvements.
The ICS Project will complete the sidewalk, bicycle, and transit network within the project area. The project area includes major thoroughfares in the community that provide connectivity to schools, job training facilities, employment centers, health services facilities, parks and recreation areas.
More than $13 million of the estimated $23 million needed for this project is being funded from a Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (“TIGER”) Grant. This grant was designed to increase the existing pedestrian network by providing new facilities to accommodate bicyclists and pedestrians where none currently exist.
The Immokalee Complete Streets project includes:
- 20 miles of concrete sidewalks
- 1 mile of multi-use pathway
- 20 miles of upgraded drainage/ditch and swales
- 9 enhanced bus stop amenities/shelters which include bus shelters, benches and bike racks
- Construction of a Bus Transfer Station next to the Collier County Health Department on Immokalee Drive
- Comprehensive streetlighting improvements within the project area
- 5-mile bicycle boulevard network with traffic calming and signage
Project Areas
Area 1
Area 1 will involve designing and constructing new sidewalks, a shared-use path, and bus shelters. These improvements will provide greater access to jobs, health services, and schools by creating a complete and connected network for pedestrians, bikers, and those using transit services. Click here for March 2023 Newsletter.
Area 1 construction complete.
Area 2
Area 3
Area 3 will involve designing and constructing new sidewalks, a bus transfer station and bus shelters. These improvements will provide greater access to jobs, health services, and schools by creating a complete and connected network for pedestrians, bikers, and those using transit services. Click here for 3A July 2023 Newsletter.
Area 3A design and construction is complete. Area 3B design and construction is complete.
Area 4
Area 4 will involve designing and constructing new sidewalks, a bicycle boulevard and bus shelters. These improvements will provide greater access to jobs, health services, and schools by creating a complete and connected network for pedestrians, bikers, and those using transit services. Click here for all of Area 4 April 2024 Newsletter.
Area 4A construction is ongoing. Lighting will be installed within Area 4A as the drainage and sidewalk infrastructure is complete.
Area 4B/C construction is ongoing
Area D construction is ongoing.
Area 5
Area 5 will involve designing and constructing a new multi-use trail and bus stops. Click here for Area 5 August 2024 Newsletter.
Area 5 design and construction is complete.
- Bus Transfer Station: Construction is ongoing.
- Continuous Street Lighting: LCEC is in the process of installing the proposed lights associated with the TIGER project. The majority of the lighting is anticipated to be complete by the end of January 2025.